The following are the alignments available for players to select for their characters. Alignment is a very important aspect of a character. Tt dictates which religions, factions and kingdoms that he or she can engage and interact within.
During the character creation process, there is an optional hall of alignment. The rooms of the hall pose theoretical scenarios and asks how your character would react to them. The answers you provide lead to a suggestion of what alignment would best fit your character. The suggestion is not binding, and you are free to choose any of the alignments detailed below.
Principled characters value life and freedom above all else. They will strive to protect all people, especially those who are not able to protect themselves. When possible they will try to stop those who commit evil acts by capturing and making them pay their debt to society. Principled characters try with all their might to follow and uphold the laws of the lands. Most laws were created to help the helpless and were likely placed there by those of a principled or dogmatic mindset. Laws that promote evil will not be upheld by a principled character, but a principled character will also not willingly reside in such an environment. Principled characters try to avoid killing, but do not necessarily shy away from lethal force in the face of unrepentant evil.
Scrupulous characters value life, freedom, and happiness above all else, but find the traditional methods of achieving these goals to be cumbersome. While having the best of intentions, they sometimes descend to questionable, rash, or even ruthless means against evil-doers. Although their lack of caution may occasionally result in harm to innocents, they will not intentionally kill those of good heart. They are willing to work with almost anyone who will help them in their cause. Scrupulous characters are incredible leaders. They lack the discipline necessary to be effective long-term rulers, becoming frustrated by all the red tape needed to run an organized society.
Dogmatic characters hold the rule of law and order in the highest esteem. Whether it is the malicious dictates of an oppressive tyrant or the benevolent decrees of a gentle queen, the dogmatic individual upholds the law carefully and doggedly. A dogmatic person is one who values the safety of bureaucracy and procedure. Such characters eschew wanton freedoms and despise anarchy. Hierarchy is of great importance: there is no comfort in not knowing where one fits in the pecking order. The dogmatic individual is not necessarily kind nor necessarily cruel: what interests him above all else is the careful adherence to the rules. They make ideal bureaucrats, peace officers and soldiers, but usually lack the passion required to be inspirational leaders.
Unprincipled characters will attempt to follow the laws and rules around them, but often feel they are unnecessarily restrictive. They value their personal freedom above anything else and will act out if these freedoms are infringed upon. They tend to be kind and friendly, but when it comes down to it, they are primarily looking out for their own interests. An unprincipled person will overthrow a tyrant but might not be willing to sacrifice their life doing it.
Anarchist characters tend to be the most adventurous and fun-loving people around. They have a devil-may-care attitude and will go to any lengths to make life happier and more pleasurable for themselves, often forgetting about the consequences. They tend to be blind to the world around them, concentrating more on self-gratification and self-indulgence. Thus, they ending up following only the laws that make sense to them. Although friendly, they frequently prioritize their own pleasure above another’s well being.
Miscreant characters believe in using any means possible to further their own personal goals, not really caring who gets hurt in the process. They do not seek to kill or hurt others, except in cases of revenge, but they do end up hurting the unfortunate few who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They justify this as being the other person’s fault for getting in their way in the first place. Miscreants have a tendency to seek large amounts of wealth and power. They are the type who attracts weak-willed henchmen and lackeys. They have no respect for law and order, unless they control that law and order, and so usually break those annoying little laws left and right.
Aberrant characters, quite literally, value honor above all else. They are perfectly willing to use force and intimidation to reach their goals, and they are capable of backing up their threats with action when necessary. They do not enjoy the act of killing in itself but do find pleasure in killing for the sake of revenge or honor. Aberrant people tend to be very fair and loyal friends. However, they are swift and harsh when dealing with those who stand against them. They make the greatest allies and the worst enemies.
Diabolic characters are cruel, heartless killers. They are the kind who plot and plan to harm others simply for their own entertainment. This does not imply that they do not have deeper goals, however. Their goals are usually products of insanity and are too convoluted for the normal person to comprehend. Diabolic people need not follow normal rules of conduct. They can be the nicest, most generous person in the world one moment, and the next, stab you in the back and steal everything you own.