Shattered Kingdoms

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Author:  honey1pie1 [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Hanathena

You topple over and cease to breathe.
You have died of natural causes.
You remove the glasses and no longer see as clearly.
You no longer see invisible objects.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
You feel less protected.
You feel less protected.
A thick-maned lion stops following you.
You release all your spells.
The white aura around your body fades.
You can no longer see the spirits.
You feel less righteous.

 o [Scores] Hanathena                   o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Half-elf         Class: Priest         o
 o   Kingdom: Zhenshi          Cabal: Independent                            o
 o     Coins: zero                                                           o
 o  Carrying: 0/18 items                    Load: 0.0/185.0 pounds           o
 o    Health: Excellent       Mental: Pulsating     Physical: Fresh          o
 o Attribute points: 0        Wimpy:  10 percent    Mode: Kill/neutral       o
 o You are standing.                                                         o
 o You may advance to the next level.                                        o
 o You have played 3265 hour(s) so far.                                      o

 o [Attributes] Hanathena                   o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Half-elf         Class: Priest         o
 o       Age: 155                Sex: Female            Size: Medium         o
 o Alignment: Scrupulous   Handiness: Right handed  Religion: Zavijah        o
 o       STR: Weak               INT: Genius             WIS: Sagacious      o
 o       DEX: Nimble             CON: Healthy            CHA: Dynamic        o
 o Carrying capacity: 18 items with a maximum weight of 185.0 pounds.        o

Amateur   - armor               (mastered)    bless               (mastered)   
            continual light     (mastered)    cure light          (mastered)   
            detect magic        (mastered)    faerie fire         (mastered)   
            refresh             (mastered)   
Novice    - create water        (mastered)    cure blindness      (mastered)   
            cure deafness       (mastered)    detect poison       (mastered)   
            frenzy              (mastered)    holy symbol         (mastered)   
            protection          (mastered)   
Initiate  - cure serious        (mastered)    identify            (mastered)   
            magical vestment    (mastered)    spirit sight        (mastered)   
Apprentice- cancellation        (mastered)    create food         (mastered)   
            cure poison         (mastered)    know alignment      (mastered)   
            regeneration        (mastered)    remove curse        (mastered)   
Journeyman- cure critical       (mastered)    faerie fog          (mastered)   
            flamestrike         (mastered)    insight             (mastered)   
            raise dead          (superb)     
Veteran   - cure disease        (mastered)    locate object       (mastered)   
            sanctuary           (mastered)    spear of faith      (mastered)   
            summon              (mastered)   
Expert    - detect aura         (mastered)    enchant armor       (mastered)   
            enchant weapon      (mastered)    harm                (mastered)   
            heal                (mastered)    recharge            (mastered)   
Mentor    - exorcism            (superb)      gate                (mastered)   
            mass healing        (mastered)    resurrection        (mastered)   
Master    - holy word           (mastered)    word of recall      (mastered) 

Amateur   - dagger             (mastered)    flail              (mastered)   
            mace               (mastered)    sling              (mastered)   
            staff              (mastered)    scrolls            (superb)     
            staves             (mastered)    swim               (mastered)   
            taslamaran tongue  (mastered)    uxmaln tongue      (mastered)   
            zhensh tongue      (mastered)    empire tongue      (mastered)   
            aghelian tongue    (mastered)    sylvan tongue      (mastered)   
            firmyrn tongue     (mastered)    deep tongue        (mastered)   
            taslamaran writing (mastered)    uxmaln writing     (mastered)   
            zhensh writing     (mastered)    empire writing     (mastered)   
            aghelian writing   (mastered)    sylvan writing     (mastered)   
            firmyrn writing    (mastered)    deep writing       (mastered)   
Novice    - meditation         (mastered)   
Initiate  - crossbow           (mastered)   
Apprentice- self defense       (mastered)    trance             (mastered)   
Journeyman- shield block       (mastered)    endurance          (mastered)   
Veteran   - second attack      (mastered)   
Expert    - brew               (mastered)   

She was born in between Zhenshi and Ayamao with an elven mother and a human father. Her parents traveled all over the Realms to help others. She saw places like the Empire where slavery was a way of life. She realized the value of freedom and knowledge and decided to follow Zavijah. In her life, she was High Priestess of Zavijah, an Elder of the Druids and finally Prior of the Fists. She was flighty (literally with Word of Recall), too trusting, but also very outspoken and passionate when what she believed in was being attacked.

What can I say. She was my first character - the first one to make it beyond initiate anyway. I learned a great deal from playing her.

Thank you to so many people for making Hanathena's life interesting. Let me see how bad my memory is and if I leave you out sorry. Rordok, Rexnarh, Ralina, Estobar, Verin, Faerti, Terrac, Hatonka, Ezeant, Livia, Desicari, Mehlohnie, Yuni, Doran, Kawl, Xorvithien, Cyphus, Tysandri, Caeserea, Ssessil, Benjamin (you were the first person to kill my character), Ealuriel, Nosephythki, Pertinax, Hedonaris (first person of the light I argued with), Orson, Achernar and Linarumien.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I loved Hanathena! She was never afraid to die or fight... rare quality in a lightie. And not to mention all the drama and adventures with Faerti and Hanathena. We had a really great time. I'm glad you age-deathed - tough it out! Good character, especially for a first one. I know you love your alts... let's see one become your main, as epic as Hanathena!

Author:  the_me [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I can't remember if I met Hanathena first with Igvot, Aria, or Ailee, but there was always a fun time to be had!

And you didn't master scrolls!! Haha, well played though.

Author:  mithrandir131 [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:26 am ]
Post subject: 

always a blast missy. had fun with our banter and watching ssessil chase you around nerina.

Author:  Magnus [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Loved getting to know Hanathena. A great source of RP and game knowledge. Good job!

Author:  mundufisen [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:25 am ]
Post subject: 

<3 Had lots of fun.


Author:  grep [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for sharing her with us.

Author:  Thyki [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hrm...Hanathena. I am not certain I ever appropriately portrayed how, I knew in my mind, Thyki felt about Hanathena.

We both rolled in the same week, within days, if not hours but I don't think they ever met until about a month later. Not sure if you remember their first meeting, but I do and it has stuck with Thyki her whole life.

Thyki was walking from Teron to the Empire via the trade route and came across Hanathena being slaughtered by that damn imp that has managed to kill every last one of my fledgling characters (you'd think I would know to avoid that road by now). To this day I have no idea why Thyki stopped to help, maybe just seeing a fellow priestess in danger, or perhaps she felt walking by would be an affront to the gift she considered life, maybe it was her first test of herself. Suffice it to say, she began healing Hanathena and then attacking the imp herself. Neither myself or Thyki knew that Hanathena had been blinded by the imp and had no idea the aid was coming from a deep elf.

Thyki felt that she saved Hanathena's life that day and it colored the rest of their interactions. For a long time she saw her as an equal but then events happened within the House of Wren that caused Hanathena to fall in her eyes. I have to say, that I am glad you stuck to her RP in that situation. It was uncomfortable but sparked some interesting interactions for me and I suspect the rest of the House.

Thyki hated her flightly behavior, her seemingly overly flirtatious manner and well most things about her, but she had a grudging respect for her unwavering faith in her Lord. I found Hanathena to be a fun character, that no matter Thyki's feelings towards her, I enjoyed interacting with. I didn't realize she was your first character and in that, even more props to you. I am glad you stuck by her. I have to say, it was nice seeing a familiar name from Thyki's past pop up. Thanks!

Also, I think your current mainish alt infuriates Thyki more than Hanathena ever could :P

Author:  honey1pie1 [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I so don't remember that but am glad you shared that.

Author:  evena [ Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thyki wrote:
... hated her flightly behavior, her seemingly overly flirtatious manner and well most things about her ...

I didn't want to bring these up, but they are what spoiled Hanathena for me. When the "scrupulous" priestess of Enlightenment was entertaining about 7 suitors at the same time from the leader of the MC to Paladin Knights I shook my head and threw up my hands. Attempts to bring this up IC were impossible, and dismissed quickly. And ultimately that situation is what spoiled Caeserea and Hanathena's friendship.

I can't tell you the number of times that Hanathena's sticking around and casting heal a couple of times would have saved an entire group of people from dying. While she always resurrected us, I just couldn't grasp why she would bolt. I experienced this with several characters. My advice (I know, you didn't ask) would be to simply refuse to go along in the future. Then no one will think anything of it.

BUT. All of that aside, I had great early interactions with her. She was Cae's best friend for a long time, and she made me laugh and smile IC and OOC. I valued her I made a late push for a renewal of Hana/Cae's friendship, but it was me who bowed out of the game for a break. I'd like to think that we could have eventually patched it up, and it's totally not your fault that it ended quite bittersweet. I loved who she was at the core, and would have liked to see more of her than I did.

BTW - I thought I remembered Hana telling Caeserea that her first husband Whoeveritwas Alcarin was a dwarf. Are all these new Alcarins half half-elf half dwarf? EESH!

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