Shattered Kingdoms

[AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost
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Author:  the_me [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

The short of it: 2x Talon leader, HF for a little while alongside Baba if memory is correct, 2x married, GM since around age 40, died at 184. PAR quite a few times, can't remember exactly. More than 6 times I'm sure.
 o [Scores] Ailee, the Big Scary Ghost                                       o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Sprite           Class: Sorceror       o
 o   Kingdom: Zhenshi          Cabal: Independent                            o
 o     Coins: zero                                                           o
 o  Carrying: 0/14 items                    Load: 0.0/185.0 pounds           o
 o    Health: Excellent       Mental: Pulsating     Physical: Fresh          o
 o Attribute points: 0        Wimpy:   0 percent    Mode: Stun/aggressive    o
 o You are thirsty.                                                          o
 o You are standing.                                                         o
 o You are at the half-way point of the journey to the next level.           o
 o You have played 1261 hour(s) so far.                                      o

[HP:100][ME: 99][PE:100][Time:9am]

 o [Attributes] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost                                    o
 o    Status: Grand Master(1)   Race: Sprite           Class: Sorceror       o
 o       Age: 185                Sex: Female            Size: Tiny           o
 o Alignment: Anarchist    Handiness: Right handed  Religion: Mira           o
 o       STR: Weak               INT: Genius             WIS: Wise           o
 o       DEX: Limber             CON: Healthy            CHA: Influential    o
 o Carrying capacity: 14 items with a maximum weight of 185.0 pounds.        o

[HP:100][ME: 99][PE:100][Time:9am]

Amateur   - dagger             (mastered)    sling              (not learned)
            staff              (mastered)    dodge              (superb)     
            scrolls            (superb)      staves             (superb)     
            swim               (mastered)    wands              (superb)     
            taslamaran tongue  (mastered)    uxmaln tongue      (mastered)   
            zhensh tongue      (mastered)    empire tongue      (mastered)   
            aghelian tongue    (mastered)    sylvan tongue      (mastered)   
            firmyrn tongue     (mastered)    deep tongue        (mastered)   
            taslamaran writing (superb)      uxmaln writing     (very good)   
            zhensh writing     (mastered)    empire writing     (very good)   
            aghelian writing   (very good)   sylvan writing     (superb)     
            firmyrn writing    (superb)      deep writing       (superb)     
Novice    - meditation         (mastered)   
Apprentice- crossbow           (very good)   
Journeyman- trance             (mastered)   
Veteran   - self defense       (mastered)   
Expert    - scribe             (mastered)   

[HP:100][ME: 99][PE:100][Time:9am]

Innate    - detect magic        (mastered)    faerie fire         (mastered)   
            faerie fog          (mastered)   
Amateur   - armor               (mastered)    change sex          (mastered)   
            detect buried       (mastered)    magic missile       (mastered)   
            ventriloquate       (mastered)   
Novice    - color spray         (mastered)    continual light     (superb)     
            detect hidden       (mastered)    detect invis        (mastered)   
            fly                 (superb)      invis               (superb)     
Initiate  - enlarge             (superb)      giant strength      (superb)     
            identify            (mastered)    infravision         (superb)     
            shrink              (mastered)    sleep               (superb)     
Apprentice- acid blast          (mastered)    cancellation        (superb)     
            mirror image        (superb)      shield              (superb)     
            teleport            (mastered)    understand          (superb)     
Journeyman- airy water          (superb)      charm person        (mastered)   
            dispel magic        (superb)      etherealform        (superb)     
            haste               (very good)   tongues             (very good)   
Veteran   - locate object       (mastered)    mass invis          (superb)     
            polymorph           (superb)      summon              (mastered)   
Expert    - detect aura         (very good)   enchant armor       (mastered)   
            enchant weapon      (mastered)    recharge            (superb)     
Mentor    - depetrification     (very good)   gate                (mastered)   
            petrification       (superb)      spell ward          (superb)     
Master    - final strike        (not learned)

[HP:100][ME: 99][PE:100][Time:9am]
l self
Standing about ten inches in height, she is a little small for a Sprite.
Her tiny stature aside, she has been blessed with beautiful golden blond
hair, that she has let grow down to her waist and wears in a pony tail, as
well as a more than ample bosom.  She proudly displays her soft, baby-blue
eyes and her wings, a mixture of a translucent blue membrane with pink and
magenta  specks that shift and move even as she sits still.  Sometimes one
can notice that even when she sleeps, her wings will often twitch, perhapse
a sign of her mysterious dreams.  It is also very easy to notice that this
little sprite is not in the least ashamed of her body in the way she dresses
and acts.
When not covered by an article of clothing, you can also notice a few
magically-inscribed tattoos.  The most noticable tattoo, placed proudly on
her chest above her breasts, is a Starburst orb of blue and purple colors in
the center of a golden nautical star, the blue and purple stars forming in
the center and spiraling outward to the edge and dissapearing.  Somewhat
less noticable is a little white rabbit tattoo that will occasionally sneak
out from under the sprite's clothing, hop around, and dissapear back into
her clothes. 
Overall, you are in excellent condition.

[HP:100][ME: 99][PE:100][Time:9am]

Way too many people to thank over the course of her life, so, everyone give themselves a pat on the back! I'll write more another time, I have to run off to the horrible Apple store and get my phone fixed... Uhg.

EDIT: Lol, and not even a minute after, I get an email from paypal saying my monthly donation to SK went through... I found it humorous.

Author:  Dulrik [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

Thanks for the donation! Hope you had fun with Ailee and that you'll come back for another round.

Author:  zryych [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

I always kicked myself for not taking Ailee up on her offer to join the Talons with Ohmchi, my liar priest, as a way to try to legitimize his bs.

Author:  ladyjennbo [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

Faerti invested Ailee and Menkh befriended her! Great times with this character. Always helpful, always interesting, always up for adventure. the_me is consistently one of my favorite people to RP with! Can't wait for your next! :drunk:

Author:  the_me [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

Oh, I'll be back for another round. Soon too! Just been so busy the past couple months with work, puppy, and interim presidency of one of the only local TG social clubs in our province's capital... and I'll admit, a bit of Skyrim.

But all is settling down and hopefully within a week or two I'll start a new character. I have a few concepts in my head, but not sure which to go with.

Author:  LionHeart [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

the_me wrote:
2x married

Thought sprites bonded and didn't marry?

Author:  the_me [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

LionHeart wrote:
the_me wrote:
2x married

Thought sprites bonded and didn't marry?

2x bonded then. Pretty much the same thing. And yeah, can do it more than once if the other party dies for good. Sure I read that in the sprite culture help files.

Author:  Thyki [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

I have to agree with Jennbo with regards to the_me's characters. I cannot think of one that I've spent extended time with that I have not enjoyed. Ailee was no exception to this and if Thyki hadn't died long before I'd say I will miss her!

I'll also be back soon with something new and hope to see you around!

Author:  Dexity [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

YAY! Great character, as always.

Author:  Kira [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [AGE-DEATH] [Spr Sor] [None] Ailee the Big Scary Ghost

She was a very helpful character. While I don't always enjoy the goofy RP of sprites, Ailee was decent in my book.

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